About the project

The project entitled PROTEction of Communications in natural Gas Transportation systems (PROTECT-G) aims at developing innovative solutions for the protection of communications in the field of natural gas transportation. The project fuses the expertise of the Petru Maior University (PMU) with the expertise of Hasel Invent (HASEL) in order to develop secure solutions for industrial gas communication systems. The industrial partner's technology is a "Centralized monitoring and operation system of a technological node from a natural gas transportation system", which is a modern and complex product aimed to facilitate the automatization, monitoring and centralized operation of technological nodes from natural gas transportation systems. Practically, PROTECT-G will enhance and expand HASEL's technology by:

  • designing and implementing the security protocols to guarantee a wide range of security properties including confidentiality, data integrity and authenticity, authentication, etc.;
  • developing a scalable solution for the administration of cryptographic keys and for the monitoring of security components;
  • developing solutions to detect anomalies in industrial communications and for the remote attestation of industrial equipment;
  • integrating the developed solutions in HASEL's technology;
  • elaborating training programs for master students.